Robin Smith - New York
Dear Dr. Cote, thank you for your ministry. You are such a blessing. My sons enjoy watching and listening to your teachings. my son Nathaniel said he can tell you really live what you believe and teach. You are a man of integrity and great character. Thank you for living for the Lord and showing and speaking of your genuine love for the Lord. It was a blessing to have you as my professor at Zion and it is a blessing to hear you in these teachings which I am enjoying sharing with others. Many blessings to you and your family. Looking forward to purchasing more of your teachings and books in the future. Thank you. Robin Smith
Stephen Cote 03/27/2020 - New Hampshire
Dr. Gary Cote and his messages, sermons and classes have changed my life!
"Blind Bartimaeus Saw Mercy" sermon is an incredible message that has changed this man's heart forever.
The Holy Spirit classes are drops of holiness in the heart to whoever has ears to hear and heart that wants to know who the Holy Spirit is in one's life.
Thankful for KQI and Dr. Gary Cote for his "yes" to the Lord that has touched this heart and my life will forever be changed.
Emerald Medina 03/09/2020 - New Hampshire
I am so thankful for the fruit of Dr. Gary Cote’s yeses to the Lord. Because he said yes to the Lord in providing study materials, books, and sermons, I benefit today. I am product of the love and truth of Jesus Christ that was placed in all of his material and in his disciples. Before my husband and I ever attended Merrimack Valley Church, we were impacted by the truth in his sermons. When we eventually attended the church, which had then transitioned to his son being the pastor, I was confronted with my own pride, selfishness, high-mindedness, and fear through Wednesday night bible study, which used Dr. Cote's book of Acts workbook. That moment began the final steps of setting me free from pride and opening my eyes to the truth of who I really was without Christ (a wretch) and who I am called to be in Christ (a daughter, a servant). Dr. Cote's Holy Spirit sermon series was also integral to this transformation, for every day that I listened, seeds were being planted in my heart that guided me along to my breakthrough. The same day that God was showing me myself, I had listened to a Holy Spirit sermon where Dr. Cote spoke on the need for the love of Christ to reign in our hearts. I was confronted with my lack of love and the Holy Spirit directed me back to that message of Dr. Cote, and even further back to a Wednesday night bible study where the phrase “give me eyes to see” was prevalent. I prayed for eyes to see and God surely showed me myself and all that I had done. The seeds planted through all of the material of Dr. Cote led to me becoming a new creation, a new woman in Christ who walks in humility and the love of God in all faith and truth. A recent message from Hebrews class has impacted me, for it called about a desire to love and to be loved with the love of Christ. I receive that and confidently desire to walk that out the rest of my days, though not in my strength, but in Christ's. God has surely brought that love to pass in my life and in my marriage, and will continue that good work. The seeds planted from Dr. Cote’s material led to my new life, my husband’s new life, and our new marriage, which we re-dedicated to God! We have even decided to start at the beginning of our family studies by using Dr. Cote’s workbook on Genesis. We began it a week ago and only made it through 1 verse! What a difference new eyes make! Glory to God for his good work! With new eyes to see, we know that this study, and all of the studies, books, and sermons will be more readily and joyfully digested as the knowledge we have gained over the years, and the new lessons gained today have moved and continue to be moved from the head to the heart, and to personal and continual steps of faith. I am so thankful for Dr. Cote’s yeses, because they led to my big yes to the Lord! May you also be blessed and may the works of Dr. Cote, as he continues to faithfully be led by the Holy Spirit, also lead you to your own yes’s to the Lord, all of your days.
You have surely helped me more then words can express. I have an eternal gratitude for you. May God continue to bless you and to pour into you the material that can and does benefit so many souls. Emerald
Nate Medina 03/09/2020 - New Hampshire
I was born and raised in a Christian family and taken to church since I can recall. My journey has been a long one of a lot of struggles, victories, and failures. I have been in different churches and many places, and have always longed for a church full of healthy doctrine, full of the Spirit, and full of the love of God. With the years, I realized that it was a hard quest to find such a church. I have been disappointed many times and let alone to struggle with my failures by myself. Though I cannot deny that the Lord was always there for me, I kept feeling the need for the body of Christ, that family of faith. Not many people to follow after, not many people speaking the truth. Not many people living in according to the guidance of the Spirit of God. I knew the word of God, and I knew a lot of methods and formulas. I overcame so many things in the passed years, but regardless of my victories, I found myself dealing with the same temptations and with the same unanswered questions (and yes, I googled them).
One of my greatest struggles has been timidity. I identify myself as a shy person and came to believe that there was nothing that could be done to change that fact. And even though I knew the verse that says: “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim 1:7), that verse never became fully true in my life. Many fears were hidden under my life shield. Many fears that I could not recognize in myself, and no-one ever called them out to me. Then Listening to Dr. Gary Cote, the Lord opened my eyes and showed me who I truly was and what he was working on delivering me from. Since the first time I listened to Dr. Gary Cote, I realized that he was/is a man full of wisdom and sound doctrine, and full of the Spirit and authority of God. He makes me feel like if Paul of Tarsus is speaking to me. Why, you might ask? Same Spirit.
I love it. I found something I always wanted: Truth. Now I have about 4.5 months going to the church at Merrimack Valley Church. I am falling more and more in love with this family of faith. I have become a disciple of pastor Gary and pastor Adam Cote. Sermon after sermon, my soul is been fed by the word of God, I keep on learning and I keep on wanting more. It is no mere man words, it is not human wisdom that is satisfying my Spiritual needs. It is the word of Jesus preached boldly through people that dare to believe of God. The shy man I thought I always was going to be has been taken to the cross. This ministry has changed my life for good. My insecurities, my fears, my doubts, my lacks have all been cast out and at the feet of Jesus, one by one. I can honestly say that I look at myself in the mirror and I cannot recognize myself. So much clarity has been brought to my life, so much understanding. My wife was a woman of pride, has found love for humility. Me, a man that was constantly battling in my matrimony has found a deep and profound love and unity with my wife that only the work of the Holy Spirit can give through His grace and lovingkindness. I have learned to be a leader of my household. My knowledge of the Scriptures has become deeper as I now don’t just have head knowledge but also a changed heart, which is being aligned each day more and more with the truth of Jesus our Lord. I am a kingdom quest man with tangible example to follow, alongside people in my life that are ready to love and serve with humility and dedication. I know that the Lord has more for me and my family through this ministry, and I know that the Lord gave me the opportunity to find out about Gary Cote, because he wanted me to overcome so many things as I continue to apply myself to listen, to obey, and to follow, so that I can be a better and fit witness of the cross. I Thank God for the many yeses of Dr. Gary and for the people of Kingdom Quest. Because of those yeses, my life is being blessed in a way that can be defined with a simple word: Miracle.
Lauren M. Cote 01/21/2019 - New Hampshire
Just wanted to say thank you for the Holy Spirit Study. I am realizing, as I prepare to teach Keys For Kids each month to teach on the various attributes of the Lord, that if I cannot simply explain those attributes to the kiddoes, then truly I don't comprehend them myself. The "Conduct" videos in particular are helping me tremendously to gain understanding of His attributes and causing me to know Him better. He truly is wondrous. So thankful you took the time to teach on all of this and also preserve those teachings with future generations in mind. Thank you.
Candice Bartlett Adams 01/20/2019 - Sogakope, Ghana
I needed to be confronted with truth desperately...I just listened to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit part one and that it was boldness that the disciples prayed for. Boldness to preach the truth to stand for truth...Thank you for standing for truth in my life! My life is fruit of your ministries. We are praying for you all always. We love you and I miss you all so deeply... I'm so thankful that we have eternity together.
With so much love from Sogakope,
Candice (email to Dr. Cote, Cara Cote, Adam Cote, Katie Cote)
Lisa Calabro 01/14/2019 - New Hampshire
This teaching is packed full of transforming Truth for every believer. I can truly possess and produce the character of the Holy Spirit? Hallelujah!!!!! Take me to the cross Lord where this dynamic life is found... only in You and only by Your Spirit. (Regarding Teaching #8-The Character of the Holy Spirit, Part 3, November 1, 2006 in The Holy Spirit Study Series).
Jennifer Smith 01/04/2019 - New Hampshire
Listening again to the Hebrews Study, and in the one I had on tonight you recounted that Holy Spirit appointed meeting in your office with you, when He asked you the question, “ Are you willing to trade in your kingdom for MINE?” Thank you Pastor for saying yes all those years back; like Abraham that did not see all that his yes would produce, your yes is a continual ripple effect day-in and day-out for so many. In Cara's and in your "Yes" many families in the world will be blessed. Blessings, deep respect, appreciation and love.
Heather Dunagin 01/03/2019 - New Hampshire
Praise The Lord! I’m looking forward to the new book, and will continue to pray for all that is going on...I love hearing about how The Lord is moving in Africa and in the southern chapter of MVC. So blessed! Thank you again...I’m not the same because of your continued steadfast service in Christ! Love and Blessings!
Luke Underwood 12/30/2018 - New Hampshire
Hello Pastor. It is great to hear of what God has been doing with KQI, to see lovers of the truth and those who want the Lord in holiness gathering together in new places, met with the Lord’s blessing, coming alive with His love. I am glad to continue gleaning from your words through the newsletters. They have certainly been referenced and applied in conversation.
This year I had gone back though Finding Freedom at the Feet of Jesus and Threshold of Faith. I was stirred once again in remembrance of the first time these messages were brought forth. They truly ignite my passion to serve the Lord intimately with my eyes set upward upon the kingdom. Thank you for the great amount of work that has gone into these books. Truly your books are inspired by the Holy Spirit; and they are each unique, standing against the issues of the day, shedding light on spiritual matters, speaking the words that need to be spoken. Pastor, I look forward to your new book and whatever newsletters shall come forth. It brings me great joy to see them being translated, sent out, and received. We are blessed at MVC by the foundation that has been laid, and we are not ignorant of it. The Lord has been good to us and is still at work in our hearts and our lives as we continue on in this “adventure of courage.” We are expectant of still new and better things yet to come, building one stone upon another. To the praise of His glory, and with much love for you, Pastor,
Lesly Barnes 12/09/2018 - Pennsylvania
This is a life-giving message. Thank you for speaking the truth. I am grateful. I pray for all the best for you and Sister Cote and your family. God bless you all. (Regarding Newsletter The Donkey’s Freedom)
With Love and Respect,
John Michael Stainsby 12/26/2018 Step by Step Ministries in Ghana
An Eternal Influence - Every Year that passes, the thankfulness grows, as the sowing of a Godly seed of influence, continues to bear fruit in my life. As we approach a New Year, and see the coming of our Lord drawing nearer, it is the influence of our shepherds here on earth that prepare us. I have been taught many things by my Pastor and wife Cara, but these three truths stand out, "Everything Unto the Lord," "Believe God," and always have praises for Jesus, the Name above all names, in my mouth. Your faithfulness to God's calling and beautiful example of God's love in your marriage is continually and so dramatically, influencing my own life and marriage. It is the Holy Spirit in you that has directed and changed my direction in this life. Because of your love and dedication to the Lord, the Face of Faith is being implanted in me, to withstand the storms, stand fast, and wait upon Him. I love you both for the love of God you have so freely given to me and to all. May the Lord bless you abundantly and expand your territory in 2019. With His Love
Lisa Calabro 12/21/2018
Thankful for this tremendous teaching! “The power of the boldness of God's presence in our lives is to live boldly for Him!"- Pastor Gary H. Cote Teaching #4, The Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit, Part 1-The Holy Spirit Study Series)
Candice Adams 12/18/2018 - Missionary To Ghana
On behalf of the Faith Theological and Agricultural School students here in Ghana, I would like to say a very big thank you and God bless you to Pastor Gary H. Cote for the gift of these books (The Holy Spirit And The Spirit World). What a tremendous blessing to know this powerful book is now in the hands of our students! Akpe and Mawu ne yra wo Pastor Gary!
Lisa Calabro 11/05/2018 - New Hampshire
Timely message. You must LOVE the NEW!!! Thank you Pastor Gary H. Cote for your faithful call to God's people to come into ALL the Lord has for us! (From the sermon: The Transition With Having New).
Adam Cote 10/31/2018 - New Hampshire
May we walk in the light of the Lord always...great sermon that has impacted my life numerous times since Pastor Cote preached it in 2005: sermon Day-Walker
John Michael Stainsby 08/18/2018 - Step By Step Worldwide Ministries - Ghana
I can testify that the foundation of love, faith, and truth, being applied by the Holy Spirit, through the ministries of MVC, when received with a willing heart through humility, will equip anyone to seek holiness, righteousness, and to run the race with endurance.
There is a cause!
Thank you Pastor Gary H. Cote, thank you Cara Hardy Cote, thank you Craig Smith, thank you Jennifer Smith, and thank you to all the teachers of our children. It is your faithfulness to the cause, that has equipped even me, to be sent out and used for the glory of our Lord. Giving thanks today for the planting of "Seeds of Faith" (Facebook Post 08/18/2017)
John Michael Stainsby 08/05/2018 - Step By Step Worldwide Ministries - Ghana
Thankful for My Pastor - When I needed a Pastor, the Holy Spirit brought me to Merrimack Valley Church, in Epsom N.H.
I needed a pastor who wouldn't comfort me in my waywardness. I needed a pastor who would prepare me for the kingdom of Heaven, a pastor who would prepare me to meet my King, a pastor who does not compromise the truth, who does not compromise, to be a people-pleaser, but teaches, preaches, confronts, corrects, and guides me in the concerns of the Holy Spirit. This is the love of God. I needed a pastor who would lead me to brokenness, to the foot of the cross, where I would die to myself, the same place where my Lord died for me. I needed a pastor who would introduce me to the Holy Spirit who lives in me, and teach me about Him and how to know Him. I needed a pastor who would show me that I must walk with God, and not apart from Him, a pastor who would show me that my salvation, is a life and death situation. I needed a pastor who would teach me to love the Lord and despise the ways of the world. I needed a pastor who would confront me when I started going my own way. I needed a pastor who would teach me to run the race of faith, to trust and obey, to have truth in the inward parts, to deny myself, to say yes to Him who called me, and to hate pride and live in humility. I needed a pastor who would instruct me to do, "Everything unto the Lord". I found my Pastor. Thank you Pastor Gary H. Cote. My new life in Christ is a precious gem, my greatest possession, because you lead me in truth. Truth can be harsh when the flesh is involved, but today I rejoice for your presence and position in my life. You still affect me with your teachings and godly wisdom even in Ghana. My Pastor for life. Even from 6000. "Scripture is the only place you can win your race by standing fast." - Pastor Gary H. Cote
Lisa Calabro 08/01/2018 - New Hampshire
So thankful for the day Christ Jesus set me free from myself!!! TRULY I am thankful for my REBIRTH day in Him and Him alone. This sermon by my Pastor Gary H. Cote powerfully declares what Christ has done in me. Thank you Lord for changing this woman's direction from death into LIFE! Christ Changes Your Direction
Luke Underwood 01/11/2018 - New Hampshire
This morning, I am thinking upon the humility of God, that Christ Jesus is Himself humble, even though He is high and lofty. I again started reading "Finding Freedom At The Feet of Jesus", and I am thankful that you have considered the importance of capturing this truth about God and how we approach Him. Thank you for serving God faithfully, with humility, and for encouraging it in the lives of those the Lord has placed under you. May I truly find freedom at His feet. I am blessed. Praise the Lord!
Stephen and Katharyn Raper 08/31/2017 - New Hampshire
Dear Pastor, Happy belated birthday. We are so thankful for you and for the word of God you speak into our lives. Praying your birthday was a blessed day. We love you, Stephen and Katharyn
Susan Brodeur 08/31/2017 - New Hampshire
Thank you Pastor Cote for speaking truth....Thank you for continuing to walk out your yes...I can imagine where I'd be had the Lord not gotten a hold of me and it certainly wouldn't be where I am today....continued blessings be upon you and your life your family and your life in Jesus.
Rebecca York 08/30/2017 - New Hampshire
Happy Birthday Pastor Cote! You have spoken volumes of wise words into my life that I will carry with me always!
Emma Smith 08/30/2017 - New Hampshire
Happy Birthday Pastor...I would not be where I am at today if you had not taken that first step and said that first 'yes'...
Jim Barger June 2017 - Maryland
Wanda & I still miss his straight forward messages
Connie Vincent Stainsby 06/18/2017 - Step By Step Ministries - Ghana
Good evening from Ghana, and a good afternoon to you Pastor Gary, happy father's day! I pray that you realize the impact you have had in so many lives around the world, most important in the lives of your children and grandchildren. With much love and appreciation!!! One of the many— feeling grateful.
Felix Kossi 05/09/2016 - Georgia
I thank God for giving u such wisdom for revelations...
Jill Cote 10/08/2016 - New Hampshire
Thankful for my Pastor Gary who seeks to teach all those who desire the truth... thankful for my friend Lisa for blessing my girl with her own copy of this book (The Holy Spirit and the Spirit World)... thankful that three gals at a sleepover on a Saturday night are spending their evening seeking truth! (Facebook Post 10/08/2016 ) ...
Lisa Calabro ... Jesus is coming alive in me and these gals as we come to truly understand the Holy Spirit in our lives. Thankful for this tool to be able to teach RIGHTLY! (Facebook Post 10/08/2016)
John Michael Stainsby 05/01/2016 - Ghana
So powerful. Watched this message with Godwin, our spiritual son, and it moved him and me deeply. (facebook Post … 05/01/2016) … regarding message: Christ Changes Your Direction
Jennifer Smith 04/27/2016 - New Hampshire
Pastor, you have been found both faithful and blameless before God as to what was given to you......Thus Gary Cote was truly "successful".... Excited to what the next 10 years of your life will produce…As He will just transition you through your next threshold.....Just a guy walking out your yes to Christ..... Whatever that looks like. Blessings, respect, and love to you....
Donna Caloia-Hanshumaker 04/15/2016 - Massachusetts
THANK YOU for the amazing word you delivered in chapel! And this is why you have always been my fav! :-) #anointed #truth
Kevin Jurovaty 04/11/2016 - New Hampshire
Thank You ... Dear Pastor Cote, I have been listening to your messages online, and just wanted to sincerely thank you for your dedication to the Lord and His truth. I love the Lord and have attended many of the Assemblies of God schools, but just recently God has really shown me that I had been living way to much in my flesh. Because of this He has stripped many things that I hold so dear, and I have stripped the rest away. I am starting your series on the Holy Spirit in an endeavor to truly learn, and grow in the area of being lead by Him. I am praying that in due time the Lord will give me back my dreams, but first I know I need to learn to live truly crucified to Him so the Spirit can become alive in me in a vibrant way. I just wanted to let you know that your work and your teachings, and your love for the Lord and His ways are influencing my life in a great way. Even though I have never met you, I am grateful for your discipleship. May God continue to bless you, your family, and your church. I do look forward to meeting you one day! Kevin Jurovaty
Donna Caloia-Hanshumaker 12/22/2015 - Massachusetts
"God is not looking for good people. There are good people everywhere. God is looking for godly people!" Gary H. Cote powerful (FB Post 12/22/2015) ... i loved him as a professor. i wanted to take notes when he would open up in prayer!!!!
Yony Argueta 12/16/2015 - Massachusetts
“I became indifferent to the things of God. Even though I never stopped going to church, I was not involved in almost anything for a long time. My constant excuse was my children. I used to tell my pastor, I don’t have time, plus my kids are little. I am going to take a break. Now that I look back, it is frightening how we can become that indifferent to the things of God. Dr. Cote, this is very personal. This year has been a transformational year for me. I really praise the Lord, because of His unfailing love, and His great mercy. I really thought I was never going to become passionate for the things of God ever again. Listening to all the lectures about the Holy Spirit this semester has been a great blessing. I am active in ministry again. I am leading worship, I am teaching and discipling, and above all, I feel alive for God again. The same fire I felt 20 years ago when the Lord called, is coming back alive again. I am eternally grateful for this. Glory to God!” ... “Personally, this study was very enriching to me. I have been a Christian for many years, and I have never learned so much about the gifts of the Spirit, as I did through these eleven lectures.” (Gifts of the Holy Spirit Study) ... These serious of lectures really blessed me.” ( NPBC Directed Research paper—Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
Yony Argueta 10/21/2015 - Massachusetts
Dr. Cote ... I am just writing to inform you that i have been working on the course work. I have been listening to the teachings and doing the corresponding writings. Just so you know, the whole experience has been a blessing. It is my belief that you were giving those teachings once a month (please, correct me if i am wrong). The bottom line of what i am trying to say is that every time i sit down in front of my computer to watch the teachings and take notes, it really feels like i am there. I actually look forward to the next teaching, as i progress through them. In short, i just want you to be aware that i am working on the class, and that the content of the class is being a blessing to me. Blessings, Yony Argueta (Directed Research for Theology II)
Jennifer Smith 08/30/2015 - New Hampshire
Pastor ... Just wanted to take a moment of your time and express again,to you, a word of thanks.
For every word of instruction........thanks
For every word of correction........thanks
For every word of encouragement .....thanks
For every word of warning........ Thanks
For every word of blessing....thanks
And most of all ....,,,
For every word of TRUTH.....thanks.
Today, on your day of birth, I am thankful for you in my life...... I celebrate your passion for Christ, and with great expectancy, I joyfully follow you as you follow Christ. Thank you for being a pattern to be followed.....
Happy 60th birthday.....
With all respect and love,
Dawn (Wadiak) Chillon 08/31/2015 - Virginia
Happy Birthday! Here's to another 45 years of influencing lives to live sacrificially for the kingdom of God!
Susan Brodeur 08/30/2015 - New Hampshire
Happy blessed birthday p.Gary...thank you for being such an intricate part of my growth in Christ....thanking Jesus for making you sound in the faith and that you will continue to grow more and more like him so we can too xo ...
Fernanda Teixeira 08/30/2015 - Rio de Janeiro
Happy birthday Pastor Cote! You are an amazing teacher. I have been blessed by your class. I pray God continues to bless your life, the lives of your family, and you're ministry. [Fernanda Teixeira]
Michael Craig 08/30/2015 - Pennsylvania
Happy birthday to the professor who's words keep ringing in my head of what he taught me at Zion.
God Bless you
Felix Kossi 08/28/2015 - Georgia
Dear Dr Cote!
Greeting to you, your family and your church.
You have always been in my heart and my prayer.
Only the Most High God we worship, knows how grateful I'm to you and your family. I will live my life and work in the ministry only to know that I made it through Bible College because God connected me to you and your family.
Words cannot describe to you the amazing things God did this summer during our Mission Trip. When we speak of healing and the Demonstration of the power of God. I never knew that God had deposit so much inside of me to be released.
Many people take your class and said they loved it and never live it but this summer Andrew and I lived it to its fullness.
Putting me at the foot of the Cross and great dedication to prayer and holiness had helped me not dropping out of Bible College. You helped me put focus on God. This summer, I saw many of my former friends falling out from holiness with girls who once were close to me; then I knew that the work of the Holy Spirit was deepen in me. I'm not saying this in any prideful way but God saved me.
I cannot thank you and your church enough for providing for me and Andrew to go on this trip. Certainly the hundred of souls that were saved and healed, God will give you the reward as well.
Right now I'm living in Atlanta with my family, and praying to the Lord to make a way for me to come see you one of these days.
I pray that the Lord gives you a joyful semester. And please give my greeting to Beloved wife, sons Adam (family) and Stephen.
Dr Cote, could you please give your phone number.
God bless,
Your son in the Lord, Felix (Kossi)
Candice (Bartlett) Adams 08/16/2015 - Ghana
But since talking to you last night, I feel such peace. I know that I don't want to move if God isn't moving. I know that He leads me and that I hear His voice. Thank you for speaking such sound wisdom into my heart. I slept so well last night.”
Connie Vincent Stainsby 08/15/2015 - Ghana
Dear Pastor Gary, I sincerely want to thank you for your Godly council, for your love and concern for my life. The words you spoke were life and godliness, thank you again...
Linda Erickson 08/04/2015 - Concord
They have definitely changed my life over the past 10 years. So thankful for Pastor Gary H. Cote for speaking the truth into our lives no matter who comes against him or who decides to leave because they don't want to hear the truth. We are blessed. (FB 08/04/2015)...
Romona Paul 06/28/2015 - United Kingdom
"Surely there is a hereafter" brought me to my knees. The message is what I've been waiting on the Lord for but i didn't know it!
I pray the blood of Jesus covering over you dear brother and your house hold, and that the Holy Spirit continues to empowers you to bring forth the meat of the word for the hungry and lost souls. All for God's glory in Jesus name
Thank you
Lauren (Malerich) Cote 05/18/2015 - New Hampshire
Just wanted to say thank you for allowing my brother and my Dad to sit in on your class Thursday. We talked about it all weekend, especially as we visited unsaved family. Daniel quoted you a lot- I could tell he was really impacted, especially about what you said about fear.
Also, your "It Was Worth the Wait" teaching/sermon has really been helping me as I wait for the Lord to open the right door. Just wanted to let you know!
Thanks, Lauren
Colin Johnson 05/17/2015 - Georgia
Just wanted to say thank you for allowing my brother and my Dad to sit in on your class Thursday. We talked about it all weekend, especially as we visited unsaved family. Daniel quoted you a lot- I could tell he was really impacted, especially about what you said about fear.
Also, your "It Was Worth the Wait" teaching/sermon has really been helping me as I wait for the Lord to open the right door. Just wanted to let you know!
Thanks, Lauren
Paul Erickson 05/17/2015 - New Hampshire
This should be awesome! 92 in depth lessons so far now put into book form! Dr. Gary H. Cote is an extremely powerful teacher. Don't miss this... I'll be getting mine and combining my notes with it! The Holy Spirit Study (Facebook 05/17/2015)
Felix Kossi 05/04/2015 - Massachusetts
I greet you in the wonderful and precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
It’s with great joy and happiness that I’m writing this note to express my greatest gratitude to you and your family for allowing God to use you to impact my life in the last year and half. Little did Joseph know that the man he met in the field while searching for his brothers will put him on the path to fulfill divine destiny, he could have gone back had he not met that man who gave him direction. I would have left this school a year and half ago, haven’t I met you and your son. Knowing how depressed and tormented I was, coming to Bible College on my own will so I could return back easily. But God sent you there at the right time and the right moment in Theology II, that class was one of its kinds, it changed my life. The first time I approached you, it took me courage but the Holy Spirit knew that I needed your help and He gave me that courage; when pride and arrogance could have killed me. Your son Adam was a tremendous blessing to come to the foot of the Cross and I did, it was a life changing moment. Your wife and your son Stephen are special blessing to me.
Dear Dr. Cote, words cannot express and speeches cannot convey my gratitude to you. You define my calling where I was confused, you gave my hope to believe and have faith in Jesus. What would I become and do for the kingdom of God is yet to be revealed but you and your family will certainly be part of my life as long I live on this earth by the special grace of God. Not only you had been a spiritual blessing to me but also physical, providing me financial support when most needed. The most important things I learned from you are “Everything God will do in a man is rooted in humility,” you are a man of strict discipline who go not by two ways to tell the biblical truth. Have I not put your advice into practice, only God knows where I will be today!
I pray that the Almighty God, the Ancient of Days and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah continue to bless you and your family. May the Lord release more of the overflow anointing and the wisdom of God upon you. May the anointing of divine acceleration be upon you and your family and your ministry. May the Lord show you favor as you showed me. May the Lord reveal His Ways to you; give you divine health and blessings as well to your church. May your church become the light of New Hampshire.
With the Love of Jesus Christ
Your beloved student
Felix Kossi (letter handed to me)
Julie Marshall 03/09/2015 - New Hampshire
Good Morning Pastor,
I wanted to thank you for Sundays message. The Lord has been ministering to me about what his compassion looks like and I was very blessed by your message.
...Another example of that compassion coming forth. Such power.
Be encouraged today that the Lord is doing great things and my heart is a testimony of that. Thank you for your faithfulness and whatever you find your hands doing today I pray blessing.
Julie Marshall
John Michael Stainsby 01/30/2015 - Ghana
We are blessed by an awesome God! He confronts, He corrects, He counsels, He helps, and He loves.
In Ghana we seldom have a sufficient signal to watch video but for a week now and tonight especially, we have the blessing and opportunity of feasting on the word of God delivered by our beloved Pastor Dr. Gary H. Cote. He brings a word in season. Our God! He restores!
Thank you Jesus for our Pastor and Your word of life and freedom!
Craig Smith 01/09/2015 - New Hampshire
This book (Threshold of Faith: The History of God’s People) is life changing! I was blessed to take this as a bible college course taught by the author and my Pastor! (Facebook 01/09/2015)
Linda Erickson 01/01/2015 - New Hampshire
Thank you Pastor Gary H. Cote and Cara Hardy Cote for a wonderful time of fellowship last night. A great way to see the old year out with praise and testimonies of God's faithfulness and growth in the lives of us all and to welcome in the new year with all He has for each of us as we continue to follow Him. Great food, great fun, great word! God bless you. ... (Facebook 01/01/2015
Craig Smith 12/14/2014 - New Hampshire
Pastor Gary. Thank you! And Thank you for the major part you have played in my spiritual growth and application of faith in my life! And the encouragement to take the steps even when tough!
Jessica Gibb 12/02/2014 - New Hampshire
Pastor Cote,
As I was decorating my Christmas tree with Sophia i came across the sprig of wheat that Katie gave to all of us that sat around the table just about 1 year ago...I thought of Katie, I thought of you, and of course I thought of Ruth...So often too, I think of Joseph and all of the things that I learned about him and his life and his family from you...So much of the knowledge that you shared with me has been and is useful to me daily..i very much regret not being there and miss your counselling and teaching..I go back to my notes from your class and remember how I looked forward to seeing you on Monday mornings, but still hoped i didnt get called on..Last night I visited Kingdom quest international and watched a sermon and missed you all even more...I send to you and your entire family much thanks and love...Merry Christmas
Romona Paul 11/23/2014 - United Kingdom
I just want to thank the Lord God Almighty for the leading of the Holy Spirit in bringing me to your ministry. I've been so hungry for the word. Now since listening to your teachings and subscribing to your newsletter I'm actually studying and reading the word. It would strengthen me more in the word if I could listen to your live service but I'm in the UK. I'm part of the full gospel ministry and our teachings the same as yours, If there is a way to listen to your teachings on live broadcast would be a blessing for me. I've been listening to so many wonderful messages from your list. It brought me to repentance. I've let go of bitterness forgiven my...I want to be a true worshipper ...
Romona Paul 11/03/2014 - United Kingdom
Dear Dr Cote,
Thank you for your handwritten message dated 26th October, which I received on 31st October. I want you to know that you have helped me so much to go deeper in the spirit when I was going through a difficult time. I wanted to show God my appreciation of your anointing and felt led to sow a seed. It was the Lord that led me to your ministry. I love how the Holy Spirit goes into details and break things down. Please remember me in your prayers. I am always giving thanks to the Lord for your work in the Kingdom and zeal for our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. May Almighty God continue to bless and give you a deeper revelation of his love and mercy so we can be fed and pass it on to the needy.
God bless you
Patrick Massicotte 10/25/2014 - New Hampshire
In light of the recent appreciation for you both I would just like to say that I am extremely blessed to have you both as spiritual leaders in my life. Thank you Pastor for your consistent dedication to all that God has planned for you and your commitment to MVC. It means a lot to have an example to follow after since your example is to follow Christ. Truly, God has led me to you for a reason; to learn how to grow into a man that seeks the Lord's own heart despite the obstacles that come in my way - setting my mind on things above.
Also, thank you both for opening your home to me and many others so that I may learn how a family desiring God operates. I am looking forward to each day spent with the saints of God at this church and the many lessons to be learned. You are both held dear in my heart and I love you. Be strong and of good courage so that you may carry on with the will of God and magnify His name!
Rose Marie 12/10/2014 - New Hampshire
I'm truly blessed and thankful that God brought you both in my life, God is using you to chisel and call out those things that are not of him! I want to be that women of God, so bring on the chiseling ! Pastor Cote you will not be getting this picture on a postcard. ;)
I'm stay, your stuck with me! (Facebook 12/10/2014)
John Michael Stainsby 10/19/2014 - Ghana
My Pastor for Life -
Thank you Pastor Gary. Eight years have passed since God sent me to you. It is under your guidance and instruction that I am being prepared to serve Him. Your faithfulness when I didn’t know faithfulness, kept me on the path. Your love for truth kept me seeking truth, when I didn’t know or have truth in my life. Your love for God demonstrates a love I didn’t know existed. Thank you for the loving example you and Cara set for me in your love for each other. Your commitment to prayer and the unceasing prayers you offer up for me are a treasure I hold dear. Even miles apart, your influence and teachings are still doing a work in me. I have said many times, that the day I walked up the granite steps of Merrimack Valley Church and entered in, my life was changed forever. Now, the impact you have on my life goes beyond walls and borders. Thank you for being my Godly role model, my teacher, and my pastor. Thank you to both you and Cara. You have made an indelible mark on my heart. I love you.
Lisa Calabro 10/15/2014 - New Hampshire
Hi pastor. Tremendous article on Halloween that you wrote. Very blessed indeed. Definitely a tool to pass on to believers. Thank you… so thankful for your boldness to write this article.
Rose Marie 10/09/2014 - New Hampshire
Listened to an awesome sermon this morning (Without Me You Can Do Nothing), thanks Pastor Gary H. Cote (FB 10/09/214)
Laura Stopyro 09/20/2014 - New Hampshire
Morning Pastor,
Wow! The day is here for the Banquet. What an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness and "help me Lord" I have this morning.
I just wanted to thank you again for ALL you have done and taught me. Truly, the Lord has used you to help form and fashion me into the woman of God I am today.
With much love and thankfulness,
Laura Stopyro
Connie Vincent Stainsby 10/21/2014 - Ghana
Good evening I pray that you had a blessed day! I Thank God that he gave me a wise as godly pastor to teach me his ways. Thank you for your love and your prayers, I know that God has answered them and will continue.... please know that you are in my heart and you are in my prayers! May God give you the strength to continue to minister to HIS people... I miss seeing you, look forward to speaking with soon... with love, Connie
Sarah Elizabeth 08/30/2014 - Virginia
Happy Birthday to the man who taught me how to fish, how to throw a baseball, how to catch a football, how to wipe a table properly, how to water ski and snow ski--although snow skiing didn't have great results ;) , but most importantly the man who has prayed for me every day of my life, invests in my family, pours out his heart for Christ to all who know him, stands firm in the Savior's love, and who is passionately living his life for Jesus. Love you Dad. (FB 08/30/2014)
Romona Paul 08/25/2014 - Great Britain
God has guided me to your alphabetically messages and teachings. There're so many blessed messages from each letter that my heart misses a beat, I've been brought to my knees.
Everything thing I've been praying for God has answered me, the teaching on gaining access to kings presence (Esther's plight) and giving up Egypt and Isaac etc ...God took off my mask pealed away the layers and humbled me to seek him with repentance.
The gold shield faith I cried my eyes out who can save a wretch like me! Then he spoke you asked seek and knocked and now the meat of the word you have been yearning for with understanding. I love when you say Almighty God he is Holy Sovereign. I realised how presumptuous I've been before this awakening.
I give thanks to Almighty God for the seed he has planted in you because it is bringing forth fruit in my life.
GBU Romona Paul
Romona Paul 07/31/2014 - Great Britain
Dear brother Gary I want to let you know how mightily blessed I am with your teachings. For the first time in a long time I am truly being refreshed by the Holy Spirit. I prayed to the Lord for change and the Holy Spirit directed me to your website. ...Our lives have changed. I am now getting to know my Father in a deeper way. It nearly destroyed me but the Lord provided the grace for me to overcome daily. ...Also my son has given his heart to the Lord and has faith in God to protect him. He got saved in the book of Romans. My husband has given up his folly too and took early retirement from work to get away from co-worker. My daughters are also seeking the Lord in their quiet times. Miracles have taken place all our characters have been refined. Especially mine! I am broken and weak and rely total on Jesus now I praise him daily and love to listen to the word. This is partly due to your ministry. I give God all the Glory for the anointing on your life. I appreciate respect and honor all that Christ has done for me at Calvary...Thank you!
Craig Smith 08/30/2014 - New Hampshire
Pastor.. Happy Birthday!
Thank you for loving us! Thank you for teaching, guiding, leading, preaching, encouraging, and being a Godly example to follow. Thank you for giving of your self, giving correction when needed, being there for me and my family, and pouring out your heart into everything you do! I am praying God will bless you and continue to anoint you for the great work He has placed before you! Thankfully that is Merrimack Valley Church in Epsom NH, which I am blessed to be a part of! I stand with this man and proud to call him my Pastor and friend!
Thankful and joyful to know you and have you as such an integral part of my life!
Love Craig and the entire Smith family. Aka ( the 7 Smiths) soon to be 8 (FB 08/30/2014)
Lisa Calabro 07/23/2014 - New Hampshire
Truly thankful for the WORD of God that is alive in MVC and in the heart of my Pastor Gary H. Cote~~~~
Regarding the sermon—“When faith Hits Reality”
Lisa Chris Calabro what a tremendous sermon to set the tone for ladies study tonight at MVC. I encourage you to watch and set your heart on the Freedom we can only find in Jesus.
Romona Paul 07/03/2014 - Great Britain
You are one of the few anointed appointed teachers around that desires the saints to grow up in Christ. I pray God has mercy on my soul for I desire the tenacity of David for my God. He will work it in me to be an overcomer in Jesus name for the Kingdom of God. Which is Righteousness Peace & Joy in the Holy Ghost.
I love your messages and teaching. it truly brings joy to me and quickens my spirit. This is the meat of the word and I'm being weaned onto solids.
God bless you in Christ Jesus
Romona Paul
Romona Paul 05/19/2014 - Great Britain
I have been so blessed by your teachings on the Holy Spirit. God has truly given you a gift to teach on a deep subject.Dear Brother Gary
I have been so blessed by your teachings on the Holy Spirit. God has truly given you a gift to teach on a deep subject.
I have been going through a Job like trial of my faith, to appoint I could have given up on my on my saviour. But my Heavenly Father through his Holy Spirit comforted me with the word to get me through this dark period with my family and marriage, especially my marriage and son,
I cried out to the The Lord to direct me to knowing. He pointed me me to your teaching on the holy spirit.
I am part of the full gospel ministry in the U.K.FGM. Your doctrine is very similar to ours so I was taken back when the Holy Spirit guided me to your message. He told me I need to go deep and know him a deeper way.
Thank you Dr Cote for your service in Christ Jesus. For being sincere and honest in obedience to the teaching of the full gospel, the glory your giving to the father without wanting fame is so refreshing. God bless you in Jesus name in all your endeavours.
Romona Paul
Gail Sapp Parmentier 07/03/2014 - Rhode Island
And a great father he is! What a legacy he has left. Not only to his own children & grandchildren, but those he has poured into at ZBI when he was teaching (like me) & now as he preaches to his own congregation. Thank you Gary H. Cote for being a Godly father and sharing beyond your own immediate family.
Dawn Chillon 04/29/2014 - Virginia
I am in tears...a timely word and I'm so thankful you posted this, Revival of Consecration (FB 04/29/2014)
Chelsea Hiyashi 05/10/2014 - Hawaii
Dr. Cote, thank you so much for the gift!! :') I am honored and grateful to have learned under your teaching. What a prime example of faithfulness - You have made a lifelong impact on my life. May God bless you and your awesome family.
David Munley 01/31/2014 - Massachusetts
Gary H. Cote, thank for preaching the word in chapel; it was rich, refreshing, and convicting! May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family. You are so appreciated! (FB 01/31/2014)
Donna Caloia-Hanshumaker 01/31/2014 - Massachusetts
He has ALWAYS been one of my favorites! I wanted to take notes when he prayed before class even started! anointed and UNCOMPROMISING!!!!
Heather Dunagin 01/07/2014 - New Hampshire
Dear Pastor,
I just wanted to write to say thank you for the publications I've been receiving for truth be known. They have really hit home. I've been pondering on them for a long while and just wanted to say thank you. So much truth in what you've written, thank you. I am blessed to know you and that you are my pastor. Have a wonderful day! 😊
Blessings and love, Heather Dunagin
Jennifer Smith 03/17/2014 - New Hampshire
Pastor, Thank you for your simple words of encouragement to me tonight. It is funny how you brought up that Cara went in and did great and with no degree. That is the most often asked question I have been asked at the school by the teachers- Do I have a degree. No, I do not posses a paper that would satisfy state qualifications, but I know that the Lord is the One who has been, and will continue to equip me for whatever position I am placed in. I am to simply be that woman of God He is making me into, and allow the giftedness He has given me to come forth. Thank you for being a TRUE Pastor, and NOT a pacifier……..Blessings, Jenn
Laura Stopyro 12/28/2013 - New Hampshire
Morning Pastor,
I spent some time this morning writing down all that has taken place in 2013, WOW!
I recounted many times you and Cara helped and cared for my you both so much!
Thank-you for all you do and say!!
I am blessed to have the Cote's in my life. Looking forward to sharing the goodness, and faithfulness of God on New Year's Eve.
See you tomorrow...
Love and Blessings,
Laura Stopryo
Katie Cote 12/17/2013 - New Hampshire
"Our day is saturated with deception, delusions, decadence and disobedience." This newsletter by Dr. Gary H. Cote is intended for those who desire to come out of those "d" words, and into the truthfulness of God. This is truly an opportunity to grow and mature by way of "advising, informing, instructing, correcting, warning, and calling all to live a life of repentance as wholly devoted followers of Jesus Christ."
Do you desire to know the things of God more? To come out of the 'lukewarm' church life and into all God has for you? To understand the hypocrisy and immorality of the day? To realize the true heart of man and the need for a Savior?
About 4 years ago I answered 'yes' to these questions, and wanted more for my life. I was hungry for truth, to understand the "why's" of life, and to live rightly according the God's standards. I just didn’t know how. I have had the opportunity to be taught by this man, not only as a Pastor, but as my Dad. The Lord has imparted much wisdom to him, and has used him to teach me those things. Because of the truths I have learned, I have become the woman I always wanted to be, free of the bondage of insecurities and fears, and living for God.
If you are serious about the things of God and desire for the Truth to be Known in your life too I encourage you to subscribe to this newsletter by opening this link, reading through Dr. Cote's message, and clicking "subscribe".
I know for myself, my family, and many faithful followers that I know, this is worth it.
Regarding Newsletters Truth Be Known … (FB 12/17/2013)
Naomi Rae (Chronis) Abraham 12/15/2013 - New Hampshire
I love you both SO much, and since childhood, consider you true heroes of the faith! Thank you for always stirring and provoking my heart, and many towards a greater passion, love and genuine deep commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ! I love you!
Karen Allen 12/14/2013 - Maine
Brendon Norton 11/26/2013 - Massachusetts
Super encouraging message! (FB 11/26/2013) … Re: Count It All Joy
Arlene Norton 11/26/2013 - New Hampshire
God bless you Pastor Gary for all of the years of dedication and sacrifice, study and faithfulness which gave you the wisdom to communicate this encouragement founded in the love of Jesus.
John Michael Stainsby 11/21/2013 - Ghana
Back in February of 2007, one late Saturday evening I was in my office at home, studying at my desk. Suddenly the presence of the LORD's Spirit entered the room and speaking to my spirit, He called me into service. I immediately fell prostrate to the floor and said "Yes LORD". I was so excited because the next morning I would be in church and could tell my Pastor! Well, the next morning still excited, I went to church. When I arrived, a member mentioned to me that I "looked different" today. I said, "Something is different. I have to talk to Pastor Gary H. Cote about it." The service began and Pastor was very ill. But nonetheless, he led us through an amazing service and message. When he delivered the final word and prayer to close the service, he collapsed into a front row chair, pale and sweating profusely. Many of us gathered around him and prayed for him to receive healing. When we finished, I knelt in front of him to tell him what the LORD did the night before. I said, Pastor, "Something great happened to me last night. The LORD called me into service!" In my pride, I expected him to get up and announce it to the church! Instead, even in weakness, but with the wisdom God gave him, he said this to me, "Everything unto God." I thought... "That's it?" I thanked him and as I walked away, I realized the Holy Spirit again spoke to me through Pastor. And so my journey began. It has been and is a bumpy road. There are many hard and necessary lessons to learn on this path. But, God's word says, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; the LORD upholds him with His hand." - Psalm 37:23-24. It's not an easy road, but it's worth it. My "Facebook Profile" as portrayed in this post is part of the "everything" Pastor said to me that day. Thank you Pastor Gary for uttering those three powerful words of instruction to me; and for your faithfulness to God.
(FB 11/21/2013)
Adam Harrison 11/20/2013 - Virginia
Good Morning Dad Hope all is well, I came across this Bible verse, and it made me think of you. I wish I had come across it earlier, not that I had eyes to understand it, but it would have been nice to look back on.
"Let the godly strike me! It will be a kindness! If they correct me, it is soothing medicine. Don't let me refuse it." Psalms 141:5
You have been saying this same thing for years and I never had ears to hear with. For years when something bad happened I would ask God why he did not protect me as he protected Daniel, only recently am I seeing the pride in such a thought for I am not righteous, and Daniel was. My predicaments, which were often self inflicted, should have been seen as opportunities to be poured out and then filled with him. Unfortunately my resistance to change caused these times to become a stumbling block,
and there I stood for years. I am excited for the new man to come forth, hope you have a nice day.
Kobby Hernandez 11/19/2013 - Massachusetts
From Kobby Hernandez at Northpoint
Blessings Pastor Cote,
Thank you for the email. I also want to take the opportunity to let you know that I strongly appreciate the commitment and effort you put every week in pouring the life of Christ into the students. I know that what we are receiving in class is a treasure from the same heart of God, and it is my prayer not to neglect or treat that treasure of His Word, Life, Character and Concerns as something common. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your genuineness and willingness to pour out the life of Christ into many students such as myself.
Linda and Paul Erickson 10/22/2013 - New Hampshire
Thank you Pastor Gary! I've listened to this several times but look forward to hearing it again today! Happy anniversary! I'm so thankful that you have been faithful to us and to the Lord all these years. I know it hasn't all been easy but as you say, it's worth it! Thank you for loving us, leading us, teaching us, encouraging us, praying for us, and for being a godly example to us at all times. May the Lord bless you greatly and give us many more years together. I love you, Pastor. :)
Linda [Erickson]
Linda and I will be listening to this again shortly. Looking forward to it!!! Blessings to you and all your family. Our lives have been so greatly enriched by your guidance. Thank you so much !!! O:-) [Paul Erickson]
Gail Sapp Parmentier 10/04/2013 - Rhode Island
·I'm reading in Jeremiah right now. Fond memories of Jeremiah class & the things you taught us. :)
(FB October 4, 2013)
Katie Cote 09/04/2013 - New Hampshire
Powerful message from Pastor Gary H. Cote (StandFast Be Brave Be Strong). What an example of who we must be, no matter the circumstance. (FB 09/04/2013)
Linda Erickson 09/02/2013 - New Hampshire
Happy birthday Pastor Gary Cote from his kids at Merrimack Valley Church! Thank you for loving us all with the Father's heart and teaching us His Word and His ways. We love and appreciate you so much. :) (Facebook Post … 09/02/2013
Laura Stopyro 08/19/2013 - New Hampshire
Great Message from Dr.Gary H. Cote "What is the essence of the Good News? What is it really about? Apply this message to your life and you will gain FREEDOM and understanding" -Dr.Cote (FB 08/19/2013)
John Michael Stainsby 08/19/2013 - Ghana
Pastor Gary,
Thank you for 'My Day is Coming". I just watched it for the first time. I was in Ghana last year when you preached this message.
For some it may have been a wake-up call, for some a grim reminder, but for me it is a promise. I look forward to that day, however it comes. There was a time when I couldn't and wouldn't say that but now I can. I can because you prepared me to look forward to my day. I am so thankful to God for you. You changed my life forever.
God bless you Pastor Gary,
John Michael
John Michael Stainsby 05/28/2013 - Ghana
Attending this service was an experience I will not soon forget. Pastor Gary Cote's word for us cut deep to the heart and the altar began filling up with nearly thirty minutes left in the message (Stuck In Stubbornness). Lives were being redirected. I have watched this message with others since, and each time the Holy Spirit moved powerfully upon us. FB 05/28/2013
Lynn Bennet 05/25/2013 - Pennsylvania
I just listened to the above sermon...How wonderful to hear truth and to see that you are not among the thousands of whimpy pastors who are so afraid to speak the truth. I have 3 friends (we are all in our 60's) and we can not find a church that is not either "Emergent, Rick Warren" or false "Signs and Wonders". All the ... churches that I have been in are Emergent with the false teachings ... Truth is hard to come by but time is short. Do not get discouraged it is not in vain. I always remind myself that the LORD told us that what we are seeing now, would happen...All I can say is that God is good and His mercy endures forever. Shalom.
Kris Perry 04/14/2013 -
Sure miss your teaching from the Genesis class!
Colin Johnson 04/14/2013 - Georgia
Great Teacher, God Richly Bless You. (FB 04/14/2013)
Lisa Calabro 04/03/2013 - New Hampshire
My heart is so thankful for those who continue to preach the uncompromising TRUTH of God's word despite endless obstacles. I am continually feed by my dear Pastor Gary H. Cote and others such as the late Adriane Rogers and Dr. Michael Youssef. Mighty men of God who cry out" follow me as I follow Christ". (FB 04/03/2013)
Jill Cote 04/01/2013 - New Hampshire
Such a powerful message that spoke directly to my spirit. When it all seems like so much, when I just don't know where to start, the answer... just start! In this, I have, and the Lord is 'taking my chaos and is turning it into confidence'... He is teaching me to have repentant spirituality, to be a woman of diligence, of faithfulness... He is taking my ashes and making them into something beautiful. Picking up one stick, and then another, and then another...
"Surrounded by land with no place to step, no where to go, a job seemingly insurmountable... my pastor simply started... "Picking up sticks, one at a time... and all of the sudden I had a little room" - Gary H. Cote
The Lord spoke so personally to my heart tonight, I plead with you all to listen to this message. Of all the message on KQI, I needed this one tonight, and what a personal God we serve - my pastor even called my name and spoke to what God was doing in my life at the time of this message. I needed that, I needed that reminder of how God sees me, the finished product. Thank you pastor for seeing me as God saw Gideon...
Judges 6:12 And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!”
FB 04/01/2013
Laura Stopyro 02/18/2013 - New Hampshire
Powerful Message! "To have heaven later you MUST have heaven now!"-Dr.Gary H. Cote
FB 02/18/2013
Sarah Elizabeth 02/01/2013 - Virginia
The Truth offends all lies. The darkness is offended by Light. God is offended with your sin. What sin has He made friends with? He calls for all of us to clean up and carry out the rubbish! He has supplied to us the doctrine of repentance--that we can call upon the Blood of Jesus, come into the throne room of grace and ask Him for forgiveness. --Dr Gary H. Cote , from Repentant Spirituality, 2 Chronicles 29:2-32.
What an amazing lesson on repentance...1. Repair the entryways. 2. Carry out the rubbish. 3. Come to Him, sanctify your life.
Wow, cut me to the quick...The victorious life is the repentant life! Thank you Jesus. FB 02/01/2013 … Repentant Spirituality
Jeanne Gloddy 01/27/2013 - New Hampshire
Have been so blessed by all your books not just this one. also have been blessed by your great sermons. Had a class this past Saturday on your book "Finding Freedom At the Feet of Jesus. Looking forward to the next class. FB 01/27/2013
Molly Sullivan 01/27/2013 - New Hampshire
Pastor I learned so much from your book and the class you taught on it. Thanking God He put you in my life when He did and all I have learned from you. Threshold of Faith FB 01/27/2013
Lisa Calabro 01/24/2013 - New Hampshire
If you are polite to the pride in your own will be polite to the pride in others-Gary H. Cote. Tremendous sermon from 2 Kings warning us not to do things "our way" in Christ's name.
Replacement Spirituality FB 01/24/2013
Adam J. Cote 12/12/2012 - New Hampshire
“Just thinking of you this morning. Was reading John 16:2 and reminded how so many are trying to kill you and your ministry, thinking they are doing a good thing. I love you and thank you for all you do and all you are to me and my family.”
Jack Lilly 10/31/2012 - Maine
I've been listening to Dr. Cote at work this morning, he is very good.
Dawn Wadiak Chillon 10/23/2012 - Virginia
Brother Gary!!! It's so great to see you and the Mrs' and your family! :) you and Mrs. Cote left me with an incredible memory and learning lessons for a lived example of the joy of family when Christ is at the center of everything. The Lord has been faithful to complete a great work through my life.
Laura Stopyro 09/20/2012 - New Hampshire
Morning Pastor,
I am sitting here this morning pondering on the goodness of God in my life…..and then realized that the impact that you and Cara have had in my life has forever changed how Ben, Caleb, Addy and Daniel Jr. will be impacted by their momma Looking forward to see how God will multiply your continued faithfulness to MVC…as Ben, Caleb, Addy and Daniel begin to impact others around them, because their Pastor helped their momma to find truth and freedom at the feet of Jesus.
Thank you pastor for speaking into my life….to conquer!!
Love and Blessings,
Wendy Frimpomaa 09/19/2012 - Massachusetts
Good Evening, Pastor Cote
Am sending this e-mail to thank you for your obedience. I have been @ Zion now for 3 years. And last week you said something in class that has impacted me far more than you will ever know.
And it is these words "When you say yes to God, You come into covenant with him. Therefore you must say no to everything else." I left your class with these words echoing in my mind, I was awoken by these words early in the morning the following day. And the Holy Spirit has been ministrying to me through these words. This sentence has indeed impacted my walk with God these few weeks and has really helped me out a lot in my relationship with God. Before coming to your class i was struggling asking God why am not excited to be here at Zion, why He is not speaking clearly to me. And i found the answer in your class why and is simply because of all the other yes in my life that have become a major distraction to me and a dangering my relationship with God.I know it has been just 2 wks to class but am so excited about what God will teach me through this class
P.S. I wanted to tell you after class on Monday but had to go to work..
Thank you for your obedience God Bless!
Julie Marshall 09/16/2012 - New Hampshire
Getting up each day determined not to just cope but to CONQUER! Thanks Pastor Gary H. Cote FB 09/16/2012
Paul Chagnon 09/09/2012 - Rhode island
God bless you sir. I trust all is well with you and your family. I just wanted to say hello. I'm sort of getting back into facebook little by little. As I saw your profile I recalled how you came up and prayed over me at one of the last homecomings. I'm grateful. God really ministered to me that weekend and you were part of it. God bless you. FB 09/09/2012
John Clyde Ware Jr. 08/30/2012 - Virginia
... I will always cherish our times as you taught the three of us masters commission students the synoptic gospels. It really taught me how to study the bible. God bless you and your family.
Wanda Barger 08/30/2012 - Maryland
From Wanda Barger….Happy Birthday! This quote from you is written on the flyleaf of my Bible: "Do not question whether God is for us or against us, but rather, 'Am I on the Lord's side? Am I for God or against Him?' We need to align ourselves with God." --Gary Cote 11/07/01
Jesse (Jesus) Sanchez 08/06/2012 - Texas
Hi Pastor Cote.
I can't sleep at all. My mind is going 100mph thinking of my future. I can't begin to tell you how blessed I am. I have a wonderful wife and our Lord has blessed us with a child that will be with us in December. I finish my associate degree in a couple weeks and God willing a great job lined up with my current employer...I look at what I came from and where I am now and I have only Jesus Christ to thank. And you. You guided me when I first gave my life to Him. I'm a man with flaws but a man that has a relationship with Jesus. Just the other day my wife was telling me how I would feel if she went on a missions trip to Mexico. I told her that I hate the fact that she would be in a drug war environment but if she was doing it for our God I wouldn't want to say no to His will. She was amazed at how I would sacrifice my wife for the church. She is so thankful that I put Him before her. I'm not perfect by a looooong shot; I know I don't deserve all his blessings. But I am not the man I once was. I laugh now when my cousins talk about what a complete change. They say "who would have thought". They don't even offer me beer or anything anymore because they know I don't drink. It’s clear to them now. They understand. I love it when my family gives me the opportunity to talk about my faith. I never forcefully push it on them. But once they ask......I speak. I cut ties with pretty much all my old friends. They won't change. I tried to speak the truth to them but they just call me a sell-out and a hater. I guess they just try to make themselves feel better when I tell them what they should do in their lives. I just wanted to take the time to tell you a bit of what's going on in my life. Thank you so much for speaking the truth to me when I was at my lowest point in my life. Thank you for introducing me to the Gospel. I will never forget December 8, 2009 when I gave my life to Jesus with you on the phone. Thank you. I couldn't ask for more in my life. I am truly blessed. Best wishes for you and your family. Take care Pastor.
Noel Hernandez 06/27/2012 - Massachusetts
Pastor Cote, thank you for the times you were a huge help to me. Not only were you my professor but also a friend that cared. I never forget the times you sat with me and encouraged me to press on...Thank you! Right now I'm in a huge doctrinal problem where I am serving, please pray for me!
Lisa Calabro 06/07/2012 - New Hampshire
Powerful Word of the Lord last night spoken by Gary H. Cote. I am so thankful for a Pastor who has such zeal for the Kingdom of God and compels me to do likewise. Church is truly serious business. FB 06/07/2012
Linda Erickson 06/07/2012 - New Hampshire
Amen! What an awesome, powerful word! It has to put the fear of God in our hearts. My heart is so greived for those who didn't "get it"....... We can't just "PLAY" church anymore.....
Jerry Butler 05/29/2012 - New Hampshire
I so appreciated the chance to come to your prayer service with my family. I am always impressed by the love that is abundant in your church. It is obvious that you are leading your flock gently but firmly as they grow in Christ. I know that God wants to have a relationship with his people and I see your folks working hard to build relationships of love and obedience. Thank you to you and the members of your church!
Laura Stopyro 05/29/2012 - New Hampshire
Jesus is out to drive away all that is not of Him...and Draws that which needs to be made whole" - Dr. Gary Cote Powerful message by my Pastor. Well worth the time to listen to this message.
Grace Rosado 03/09/2012 - New Hampshire
Pastor you are such a blessing to us at New Life. It is a privilege to be able to give as the Lord enables us. May God richly bless you.
Rachel Stevens 03/07/2012 - Massachusetts
Just got my alumni newsletter! back at Zion??? I'd like to officially go on record as saying I am SO JEALOUS of all of your students!! FB 03/07/2012 - (newsletter announced Dr. Cote will be teaching as adjunct)
Laura Capone Keenan 03/07/2012 - New York
Bro. Cote, hello to you and your family. I often tell my SS teens or in a sermon... what you said about how in the last days; Christians will be persecuted for following the straight and narrow. We will be told that we are not tollerant. I work at the community college and see this often. Kevin and I are doing great pastoring a small church in the country. Thanks again for being obediant to the lord when you prayed "God bless laura", and the lord told you - "you bless laura". Now that we have a family - I know how much that meant to you and how much more that monetary gift meant to me. THANK YOU! God bless you! FB 02/22/2012Bro. Cote, hello to you and your family. I often tell my SS teens or in a sermon... what you said about how in the last days; Christians will be persecuted for following the straight and narrow. We will be told that we are not tollerant. I work at the community college and see this often. Kevin and I are doing great pastoring a small church in the country. Thanks again for being obediant to the lord when you prayed "God bless laura", and the lord told you - "you bless laura". Now that we have a family - I know how much that meant to you and how much more that monetary gift meant to me. THANK YOU! God bless you! FB 02/22/2012
Lisa Calabro 01/23/2012 - New Hampshire
I love Pastor Gary H. Cote, never mixes words...just straight Spirit lead TRUTH
Annette McClellan 01/03/2012 - Maine
As I turn the pages of "2012 Calendar", I will remind myself "If it is not of faith, it is not on God's Calendar." (Thank you. pastor Gary H. Cote). FB 01/03/2012
Annette McClellan 01/03/2012 - Maine
I loved your message "New Beginning/ New Calendar" Exodus 12. Thank you for ministering God's Word to His people. Keep sharing, "we" are listening. (I would love to have a copy of this sermon). FB 01/03/2012
Bill McBride (McBride's Water) 01/02/2012 - New Hampshire
Friends, I'd like to recommend a short book to you. Its titled, "They'd Call Me Biased" by Dr. Gary Cote. It is a compilation of 101 reasons non Christians/liberals would call the author, a Christian man, biased. It differentiates while reinforcing the Christian fundamental views of world, national and local topics between the liberal and Christian.
The left will find this book biased and severely slanted to the Christian right, the conservative liberal will agree with many of its points and may read on.
As a Christian, I personally found that this book spoke boldly and to my personal core beliefs. No matter who or where you are in your walk, I encourage you to pick this book up and give it a read. It will certainly open your mind. If you are interested in a copy send me a message and I will give you the details.
Molly Sullivan 09/18/2011 - New Hampshire
Thank you Pastor; what a great message this morning; I felt at times you were speaking directly into my life. I give praise to God everyday that He brought me to MVC. FB 09/18/2011
Leanne Lussier Harkins 08/23/2011 - Florida
Leanne wrote to Dan Lussier who finished a Bible Course with DSOM:
"I won't consider you a "REAL" Bible college student unless you take a class from Gary H. Cote."
Katharyn Raper 08/12/2011 - New Hampshire
Dear Pastor Gary,
Thank you and I praise God every day for Merrimack Valley Church and you! God has lovingly reached down and pulled us out of the muck and mire and planted our feet on dry ground with mercy and grace. You are shepherding us on the path to the Almighty and I thank him every day for your sermons and teaching words that cause us to self-reflect and want to be ever changing and ever growing in Him. I am truly blessed and I pray blessings for you and Merrimack Valley Church. Our lives are changed. Praise God.
Blessings and love to you and your family,
Jill Cote 08/09/2011 - New Hampshire
Thank you Pastor for challenging me to this commitment and pursuit of Christ's wisdom and understanding! In all truthfulness we have never met a pastor like you, ever, and out of our church people are being raised up in the things of God like no other I've ever seen before! With all of the growth we are making and the depth of relationship with Christ I just can't imagine where we will be in years to come. You and Cara are such a blessing to me!
Thank you!
-Jill Cote
Lesly Bennet Barnes 08/05/2011 - Pennsylvania
Deep into your book Threshold of Faith. SO fantastic. I keep saying "wow wow wow" as I read it. Lesley Bennet Barnes
Katie Cote 08/02/2011 - New Hampshire
Wow, I just finished printing the Genesis Lessons you sent me the other day. You truly have done so much work to put these together; it has been so beneficial to me. Thank you.
Troy McNulty 07/05/2011 - Massachusetts
Doctor/Pastor Cote,
What a blessing to see that you have a web site and have written a couple of books. I shall soon place an order and will certainly spend time when I am able to do so on your web site. Thank you for the ways you have blessed my life and continue to do so years later. The rigors you put us through at Zion certainly prepared me for further studies thereafter. Blessings to you and to your family!
Respectfully yours,
Troy McNulty
Appiah Kusi Kyenkyehene 07/05/2011 - Ghana
What a joy to see your face. Thanks for all that you did for us at Zion. Now l am in ministry with five churches under me. By God's grace they churches that l planted. All because there people like who spoke the word of God into our lives.
Craig Smith 06/01/2011 - New Hampshire
Your message last night was powerful and very impactful. I have been pondering it and the importance of living a life unto the Glory of the Lord.
Thank you for sharing and for the example your life is.
Craig Smith
Jill Cote 05/27/2011 - New Hampshire
Jill wrote: "You have no idea how much that assurance means to me today... or actually, you probably do... thank you Pastor for never swaying, always steadfast in your faith, you are a gift to our body of believers! "
Noel Hernandez 05/05/2011 - Massachusetts
Bro. Cote you impacted my life and you were a great teacher and friend to me at Zion. Thank you for the words of advice and encouragement that kept me focused when I was down. God bless you and your family...
-Noel Hernandez
Randy Rockwell 05/05/2011 - Maine
Hi Brother Cote,
Just want to say thanks for being a positive influence in my life. Never forgot the kinds words if encouragement from Zion. May God continually use you.
Randy Rockwell
Erik Merksamer 02/01/2011 -
Gary, you were a role model to me in my single days about what it looks like to be a loving father. You always beamed pride and joy over your children. Thanks for helping me seek wisdom and sell it not!
Erik Merksamer